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What is difference between Rudra and Shiva?

Shiva is the human form of Rudra

आलेख © कॉपीराइट - साधक प्रभात (Sadhak Prabhat)

रुद्र और शिव में क्या अंतर है?

Rudra is described in the Vedas and Shiva in the Puranas. Shiva is the human form of Rudra. Rudra is described in the Rigveda. He is considered as the creator of this universe in the form of Hiranyagarbha (fire). In the hymns of Rigveda, they have been wished for life and health and protection of their lives. In the Puranas, the nature of Brahm has been given a human form for the common and uneducated society, so that they can understand the sanatani philosophy in a simple way. Shiva in human form is the base for the use of Shakti. That is why Shiva is lying under Kali so that the power of destruction can be used for welfare. The Puranas were specially composed keeping in mind the women and less educated people who were not knowledgeable in Sanskrit (what you call Shudras). The creation of the Puranas is a testimony to the fact that the Sanatani system was conscious for this class also with positive thinking. The society was not as shown by the leftist and anti-Hindu historian in his writings. Eleven Rudra is the combined form of worship of Shiva in the eleven cultures of the Sanatan World. We have not had a tradition of destroying any culture. we believe in taking them with us. There are three systems in Vedas, the path of knowledge, the path of worship and rituals. The Brahmins reserved the rituals for themselves and considered that everyone's right on knowledge and worship.



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